About our Community

What is in a Name?

De Winton came into being in 1892 with the arrival of the C.P.R. to the prairies. The place name is spelled two ways, somewhat interchangeably, neither of which are the correct sir name of Francis de Winton, the British army officer from which it inherited its moniker. Whether it is spelled De Winton, or DeWinton, we think it is a great place to call home!

Now situated on the southern city limits of Calgary along the original MacLeod Trail, DeWinton is on the CP line which runs south of Calgary to Aldersyde.

DeWinton originally had 3 grain elevators, but one was torn down in 1936 and rebuilt in High River. The remaining two were owned by UGG, and are now owned by Diamond Fertilizer and Catl-Lac Feeds Ltd.

The hamlet is home to several residents, the Community Hall, St. Andrew’s Church and Countryside Tree Farm and Landscaping.

100 Yrs of History

De Winton celebrated 100 yrs of history recently. A celebration was held and many long time area residents and their families came out to help us to celebrate.