Our Mission

The De Winton Community Association is dedicated to fostering a strong community spirit through events and programs for all within our community.

What We Do

The Association is charged with maintaining our lovely country facility and serving our member base as well as the broader De Winton area.

The Association is run by a volunteer board of Directors and the facility operations are largely run by our facility manager.

Our Board of Directors

Mike Kosinec
Mike KosinecPresident
Mike arrived in De Winton 20 years ago, and quickly fell in love with the area, but especially with friends and neighbours. He is a regular at the weekly stretching class, and is often seen around the Community Hall. He served as the DCA Board Secretary for many years, and is currently President. Outside of the DCA, he keeps active, enjoying the mountains on a regular basis.
Alan Alger
Alan AlgerVice President
Alan Alger is the current past president of the De Winton Community Association and has been with board for eight years. Alan is also the current Council representative for Foothills County.
As is a third-generation farmer/rancher in the De Winton area, Alan and his wife Veronica are extremely proud to still live in the Foothills with their grown children and grandchildren residing on the farm.
Donna Fracchia
Donna FracchiaSecretary
Donna has around 40 years Board experience from many different non-profit organizations and is currently our DCA Secretary. She is a resident of Heritage Pointe and is honored to be on the DeWinton Board and to be part of this vibrant community.
Shirle Ternan
Shirle TernanTreasurer
Shirle has been on the board of Directors for many years and currently serves as our Treasurer. She loves to play with her horses and with her dog Sophie
Cindy PooleFacilities Director
Cindy is a long time resident. She has co-ordinated our Casino fundraising efforts for decades. Cindy currently acts as Facilities Director and has been busy updating and creating our hall policies and maintenance program.
Michele Waldner
Michele WaldnerCommunications Print
Michele has a long history with the DCA Board, having served in the aftermath of the 1996 hall fire. Michele has returned to the board and currently serves as our Communications Director in charge of print media. She is a new grandma too!
Mia Staysko
Mia StayskoCommunications Digital
Mia has lived in De Winton for over 30 years and served on the Board as Secretary and as President at the time of the hall rebuild in 1997. After a big step back, she rejoined the board in 2020 to build a new website and help with digital communications. She also teaches K9 Nosework® classes at the hall
Edith Rabinovitch
Edith RabinovitchMembership Director
Edith and her husband have lived in DeWinton for 35 years. She joined the board in 2018 as our Membership Director and she has served in that position since then. She is passionate about connecting with our members and it is not beneath her to reach out by phone for that personal touch.
Matt CoveartHall Manager
Matt is a recent addition to the hall’s management team. Matt is at the Hall 9:00am-1:00pm Monday to Friday so the next time you are at the Hall, feel to stop by the office to say hi!




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COMMUNITY is about doing something TOGETHER that makes belonging MATTER